
New Instant Alerts Added

Your Instant Alerts have just been enhanced! With Notifi, you know the moment something important happens with your money. Best of all, there is no service charge* and it’s simple to set up. Just login to your internet banking account and click on “Alerts” to get started.

Choose one or all methods:
• Text Messages
• Email
• Online Banking Message Center
• Push Notifications

Choose from alerts such as:
• Debit Card Purchases
• ATM Withdrawals
• Low Balance Alerts
• Deposit Alerts

And now you can add these alerts to your notifications….
• High Balance Alerts
• ACH Deposit/Credit Transaction
• Address/Email/Name/Phone Number Change
• Specific Check Number Cleared
• Check Returned
• Credit Transaction was Posted
• Loan Advance was Posted
• Loan is Past Due
• Loan Payment Due at Billing
• Loan is Due
• Return of an Incoming ACH Debit
• Online Banking was Locked Out
• Outgoing Scheduled.Automatic Transfer
• Account Overdrawn
• Safe Deposit Rent is Due
•Transfer Failed

Click here to see our personal banking demo video and learn more! For our commercial customers, please click here for the business online demo. If you have any questions or need more information, please call us at 918-712-9292.

Your friends at SpiritBank

*Message and data rates and/or internet service provider fees may apply.